Title | Author(s) | Year of Publication | Journal Title | Issue Number | Page Number(s) | Article |
A primary offshore wind farm site assessment using reanalysis data: a case study for Samothraki island | M. Majidi Nezhada, M. Neshatb, D. Groppia, P. Marzialettic, A. Heydaria, G. Sylaiosd, D. Astiaso Garcia | 2021 | Elsevier | Volume 172 | 667-679 |
Al Hoceima launches its first functional marine observatory in North Africa. |
Houssini Nibani, Karim Hilmi, Asma Damghi, Laurent Beguery, Orens Fommervault, et al.. |
2021 | 9th EuroGOOS International conference, Shom; Ifremer; EuroGOOS AISBL |
Wind Climate and Wind Power Resource Assessment Based on Gridded Scatterometer Data: A Thracian Sea Case Study |
Nikolaos Kokkos, Maria Zoidou, Konstantinos Zachopoulos, Meysam Majidi Nezhad, Davide Astiaso Garcia and Georgios Sylaios |
2021 | Energies | 14, 3448 |
Oil Spill Modeling: A Critical Review on Current Trends, Perspectives, and Challenges |
Panagiota Keramea, Katerina Spanoudaki, George Zodiatis, Georgios Gikas and Georgios Sylaios |
2021 | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering | 9, 181 |
Ecotrophic Effects of Fishing across the Mediterranean Sea | Donna Dimarchopoulou, Ioannis Keramidas, Georgios Sylaios and Athanassios C. Tsikliras | 2021 | Water | 13, 482 |
A SWOT Analysis for Offshore Wind Energy Assessment Using Remote-Sensing Potential |
Meysam Majidi Nezhad, Riyaaz Uddien Shaik, Azim Heydari, Armin Razmjoo,Niyazi Arslan, and Davide Astiaso Garcia |
2020 | Applied Sciences | 10, 6398 |
A Parametric Study of Wave Energy Converter Layoutsin Real Wave Models |
Erfan Amini, Danial Golbaz, Fereidoun Amini, Meysam Majidi Nezhad, Mehdi Neshat, and Davide Astiaso Garcia |
2020 | Energies | 13, 6095 |
A New Bi-Level Optimisation Framework for Optimising a Multi-Mode Wave Energy ConverterDesign: A Case Study for the Marettimo Island,Mediterranean Sea |
Mehdi Neshat, Nataliia Y. Sergiienko, Erfan Amini, Meysam Majidi Nezhad,Davide Astiaso Garcia, Bradley Alexander, and Markus Wagner |
2020 | Energies | 13, 5498 |
Species Distribution Modelling via Feature Engineering and Machine Learning for Pelagic Fishes in the Mediterranean Sea |
Dimitrios Effrosynidis, Athanassios Tsikliras, Avi Arampatzis and Georgios Sylaios |
2020 | Applied Sciences | 10 |
A Fuzzy Inference System for Seagrass Distribution Modeling in the Mediterranean Sea. |
Papaki, D., Kokkos, N., Sylaios, G., |
2020 | Water | 12 (2949) |
Salt wedge intrusion modeling along the lower reaches of a Mediterranean river |
Konstantinos Zachopoulos, Nikolaos Kokkos, Georgios Sylaios |
2020 | Regional Studies in Marine Science | 39 |
Mixing social media analysis and physical models to monitor invasive species |
Claire Laundy, Lõrinc Mészáros, Sonja Wanke, Mercedes de Juan | 2020 |
Modelling the effect of behavior on the distribution of the jellyfish Mauve T stinger (Pelagianoctiluca) in the Balearic Sea using an individual-based model |
Joe El Rahi, Marc P. Weeber, Ghada El Serafy
2020 | Ecological Modelling | 433 | 1-14 |
An identification and a prioritisation of geographic and temporal datagaps of Mediterranean marine databases | Davide Astiaso Garciaa, Marina Amorib, Franco Giovanardib, Giuseppe Pirasc, Daniele Groppic, Fabrizio Cumoc, Livio de Santoli | 2019 | Science of The Total Environment | 668 | 531-546 |
Renewable Energies Generation and Carbon Dioxide Emission Forecasting in Microgrids and National Grids using GRNN-GWO Methodology | Azim Heydari, Davide Astiaso Garcia a, Farshid Keynia b, Fabio Bisegna a, Livio De Santoli | 2019 | Energy Procedia | 159 | 154–159 |
Seagrass and Hydrographic Data for the Mediterranean Sea, | D. Effrosynidis, A. Arampatzis, G. Sylaios | 2019 | Data in Brief | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2019.104286 | ||
Operating a Network of Integrated Observatory Systems in The Mediterranean Sea: Odyssea Project as a Tool in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
Yelda AKTAN, Çetin KESKIN, Süheyla KARATAŞ, Cumhur H. YARDIMCI, Murat GÜNDÜZ | 2018 | International Symposium of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 2018 | http://faba2018.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/FABA2018-Proceedings-Book.pdf | ||
IMDIS meeting I, Barcelone 2018 | Nicolas Granier, Georgios Sylaios Sylvain Marty, Simon Keeble, Carlos Figueiredo, Eduard Huguet, Adelio Da Silva, Ghada El Searfy | 2018 | IMDIS 2018 | 5-6-7th November 2018 |
https://imdis.seadatanet.org/content/download/122347/file/S1P111_IMDIS2018.pdf https://imdis.seadatanet.org/content/download/122109/file/IMDIS_2018_submission_111.pdf |
Advancing Marine Biological Observations linking the Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) and Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) Frameworks | Muller-Karger FE, Miloslavich P, Bax NJ, Simmons S, Costello MJ, Sousa Pinto I, Canonico G, Turner W, Gill M, Montes E, Best B, Pearlman J, Halpin P, Dunn D, Benson A, Martin CS, Weatherdon LV, Appeltans W, Provoost P, Klein E, Kelble C, Miller RJ, Chavez F, Iken K, Chiba S, Obura D, Navarro LM, Pereira HM, Allain V, Batten S, Benedetti-Cecchi L, Duffy JE, Kudela RM, Rebelo LM, Shin Y, Geller G | 2018 | Front. Mar. Sci. | 5 | 211 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2018.00211 |
EGU General Asembly 2018 | Katerina Spanoudaki, Nikolaos Kampanis, Nicolas Kalogerakis, George Zodiatis , and George Kozyrakis | 2018 | EGU 2018 | 8-13 April 2018 | Vol. 20, EGU2018-16401 | https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2018/EGU2018-16401-4.pdf |
EGU General Asembly 2018 | Georgios V. Kozyrakis, George Galanis, Katerina Spanoudaki, Nikolaos A. Kampanis, George Zodiatis, and Elena Zhuk | 2018 | EGU 2018 | 8-13 April 2018 | Vol. 20, EGU2018-5341 | https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2018/EGU2018-5341.pdf |
Seagrass detection in the mediterranean: A supervised learning approach | Dimitrios Effrosynidis, Avi Arampatzis, Georgios Sylaios | 2018 | Ecological Informatics | 48 | 158-170 |
Monitoring biodiversity change through effective global coordination | Navarro L, Fernández N, Guerra C, Guralnick R, Kissling WD, Londoño MC, Muller-Karger F, Turak E, Balvanera P, Costello M, Delavaud A, El Serafy G, Ferrier S, Geijzendorffer I, Geller GN, Jetz W, Kim ES, Kim H, Martin CS, McGeoch M, Mwampamba TH, Nel J, Nicholson E, Pettorelli N, Schaepman ME, Skidmore A, Sousa Pinto I, Vergara S, Vihervaara P, Xu H, Yahara T, Gill M, Pereira HM | 2018 | Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability | 29 | 158-169 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2018.02.005 |
Update on relevant GEO BON activities for the 21st meeting of the subsidiary body on scientific, technical and technological advice. CBD/SBSTTA/21/INF/1 | Navarro L, Gill M, Martin CS | 2017 | Information Document for the twenty-first meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) | 1-10 | https://www.cbd.int/doc/c/ede9/9161/94ada923478ff9c9fd7304f3/sbstta-21-inf-01-en.pdf |